Saturday, June 10, 2006

Interview with James Rhine of Big Brother 6

With just under two weeks to go until we find out who's going into the Big Brothers: All-Stars house, anticipation amongst fans is growing along with an insatiable thirst information.
We here at Realivision are trying to do our best to quench that thirst. It's just after 06/06/06, and we've got the man who some of his housemates thought to be the devil himself, the King of Vetos, James Rhine here to help us.


Hi, James, and thank you for joining us. Before we get to the big question, let's look back at one of the most storied seasons in Big Brother history, your season, Big Brother 6.

Passions were certainly aroused amongst the fans during BB6. As polarized as feelings were, you seemed to be the one who came the closest to reaching any sort of middle ground with the fans at the time in terms of a split between love/hate and even that more tempered than feelings towards some of the other contestants, though I may be entirely wrong in this perception. Did you find this helped you more once the game was over than having to deal with the extremes some of the others face?

It was strange being told that "people loved to hate me" that was all due to the editing, fans thought that I betrayed the Sov's over the Bible incident, but the fans that paid attention knew it was Howie. So that was hard to deal with, but overall it has been entirely positive. I'm so glad I didn't have any hatesites dedicated to me like Busto or J-BLo. I think most fans respected that I played the game and didn't try to stand on a moral high ground..

Are you surprised how strong the feelings people have towards your season's contestants still are?

It's great! The fans are awesome and the fact that they care so much makes me even happier to hear they enjoyed watching me. IF I were to be on All Stars I would have to make sure to put it up a notch for the real fans of the game

If you go could go back to your season and do it all over again, what would you do differently?

Several things... Explain to Howie the importance of numbers in an alliance, tell Kaysar not to listen to Busto over me, and most of all relax more. I was too high strung in the begining and gave people reasons not to trust me.

When Sarah was evicted, you were not happy. Do you think that helped you focus on the game more, or did the desire for revenge hinder you?

I wanted to win, evict Maggie... neither got accomplished. I was able to play more "my style" and do some fence walking.

Who from BB6 do you still keep in touch with, and have you made any friends from previous seasons?

I keep in touch with Kaysar, Rachel, Janelle, and Ivette. Dani from BB3, Will BB5, Nicole BB3, Diane BB5, are people I consider friends.

What have you been doing to keep yourself busy since the end of the season?

I've been back to the real world and my old job, waiting to finish up school.

Do you have any future plans or projects you can share with us?

I keep people updated on my happenings on my website, and on my myspace. There are too many things to list. One however is that I just shot "the Sexiest Men of Reality TV" calander last month. It will be out in October.

Please tell us a little about your website,

It was started when a fan called me and expressed an intrest in making one for me. Kaysar had one that I thought was cool, so I agreed to let Al Mellis do one for me. It has exploded! We have several ex-HG's on there and it's always packed. Anything you want to know about BB is one there. You don't have to be a fan of mine and I welcome all the debates.

Okay, the big question on everyone's mind, provided you are able to answer... Are you, James Rhine, going to be one of the 20 choices to go into the All-Stars house? If you can't answer, would you like to be?

I would like to be, very much so.

If you go back into the house, do you plan on changing strategies or fine tuning what you had last time?

Are you asking me to give away strategy? This is James, not Kaysar. lol

Being in the house with a group of people is bound to be a lot different than watching them on television or the live feeds. If you get back into the house, who would you like to see in there with you playing the game?

Janelle and Kaysar, they would hopefully trust me this time and I love them as people so we could have some fun as well.

If you don't get back into the house, who would you like to see in there as a viewer?

I only want individuals that play the game, not tools trying out for an audition. Some people swear that BB will be their catalyst for stardom... It's a game show.

There are two ways to get back into the house, either by viewer vote or the producers will choose from the other 14. To get the vote, you're allowed to campaign. So tell us why we should vote for James to go into the house for Big Brother: All-Stars?

IF I was one of the twenty, I would want America to vote for me because I gave it my all last season and played the game. I had the entire house after me for 7 of my 9 weeks. That's not good odds and I stayed in longer than anyone ever thought. I play the game and have fun doing it. This year would be even better, plus I really need to win an HOH. I don't know what that bed feels like.

Boxers or briefs?

Boxersbriefs and boxers

Coke or Pepsi?

Diet Coke

Fries or onion rings?

neither, but when I'm drunk either.

Finally, to end on a lighter note, it's no secret that you love politics, and that you lean just a tad bit to the right. With 2008 fast approaching and no incumbents running for president, who would you like to see on the Republican ticket?

No more dumbasses... I would actually love it if Bill Richardson ran for President.

Thank you very much, James, and good luck! If there's one thing we love at Realivision, it's good gameplay so we're rooting to see you on our screens again this summer!


Blogger Tabby said...

James and Swampy are two different people though. I've had no problem there getting into issues.

6/11/2006 9:54 a.m.  
Blogger Tabby said...

Negativity itself I have no problem with. It's going to happen. It's outright attacks on the people kind enough to do this for me. That's why I had no problem putting Myles' comment through because it wasn't an attack on James but an issue he had with James' forum. I wasn't part of whatever happened, so I don't know who did what to whom. Based solely on my personal experience there, I disagree with Myles because I've been very much on the "other side" of arguments, but maybe I was just in the right arguments. I don't know.
And this isn't to say I don't agree with you either. I've always thought it a little silly to complain about one board on another, but heck, I've done it myself. :)

6/11/2006 1:03 p.m.  
Blogger Marysafan said...

Great interview Tabby. I enjoyed hearing from James and hope he makes into the house. I will glady toss him a vote...just because I love the way he plays the game. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

6/16/2006 12:38 p.m.  

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