Monday, June 05, 2006

The Apprentice - Air Date June 5

It's Apprentice finale night! Who's it going to be? Lee, the young up-and-coming politician with a somewhat sexist attitude, or Sean, the British import with the stiff upper lip for Tammy?
Tonight's going to be different. Instead of blogging after the show, I'll be blogging during the commercial breaks. The show's starting now, so see you at the next break!

Commercial break 1
Lee and Sean are two of the strongest candidates yet? Donald! What are you thinking? Maybe we're spoiled after Randal and Rebecca last season, but even then, this is a weak final two. But this is The Donald. Mr. Trump. The Trumpster. He wouldn't be him if he didn't sound his own Trump-et.
I am so very sorry for that.
Who would have thought it would be nice to see Andrea back? It's good that it was nothing major though. Coughing up blood is scary. Now that she's okay, we can make fun of her again.
Lee's still not looking good in this task, but at least he didn't want to dress anyone up as a panda. Sean! What the hell? Good job on backing off on that.

Commercial break 2
Lenny was highly entertaining while he was still a candidate, but holy crap, is he deliberately trying to sabotage Lee? Medium helmets for all the celebrity hockey players? Unless he has some KGB training in getting large skulls into small spaces, this can't be good. And come on, you know you could see Lenny in the KGB too if this were 1980.
This segment was good for Sean, because we didn't see much of him. Not so good for Lee, who is really rubbing the people involved with the Leary foundation the wrong way. First Lys, the meanie, now Christine, the other meanie. This was his chance to make a different impression and he's blown it. Largely with Lenny's help, but he was capable of blowing it all on his own.

Commercial break 3
Sean's biggest problem? A missing CD. Lee's biggest problem? Lenny and Pepi. Mostly Lenny, but Pepi is there doing... ummm... Pepi is there.
Have I asked what the hell yet? Lenny takes Jaime Pressly to the locker room for whatever reason, then loses her or ditches her or misplaces her or something.
At this point, if Sean doesn't win I will be shocked. Lee has a better record up to this point as a Project Manager, but his age and lack of experience are really starting to show now. First with his poor choice of team, and now with his complete inability to do anything useful with them. Go Sean!

Commercial break 4
Trump tells Lee exactly when he'll be there, but Lee still doesn't make it to the door to meet him? Unbelievable! This is something I've said before and I'll say again... Watch the damned show! Every season at least one of the final two isn't there to greet The Donald when he arrives. He's noticed this. "Don't they ever learn?" Apparently not.
Jaime Pressly rocked, calling Lenny "little Apprentice boy".

Commercial break 5
At this point what's left to say? Sean is kicking ass. Sure, the auction was missing Pontiac signage, but it had the cars, and if you look at the concert there were Pontiac signs everywhere.
It's also nice to see the Barenaked Ladies. After Brent gave Canadians a four bagel diet of a bad name, a great band made us look good again.
Plus it was nice to see someone actually standing there waiting for Trump to arrive. Well done, Sean!

Commercial break 6
Boardroom time, and Sean is still doing very well over Lee. Even when it came to education, Sean matched him achievement for achievement, and you could see the frustration on Lee's face. Other than that, it wasn't much of a boardroom, but that could well change once they get in front of the live audience in Los Angeles.

Commercial break 7
I'm not too sure what Lenny was saying, but somehow Lee is a goat. Goats age and get more expensive, I think. Baaaah.
Roxanne! Arrrrr! Shiver me timbers, but I love the swashbuckling pirate look you've gone for tonight! The skirt wouldn't really work for pillaging ships on the Spanish Main, but the top is buccaneeriffic!
So far this is the most easy-going final episode I've seen yet. But maybe that's because there isn't much pressure on Sean or Lee. The expectations they need to live up to aren't that high.
This is the last commercial break, time to see who wins!

The show's over...
...and Sean wins! What a contrast with his parents. They were so very British with their subdued applause, while Sean was all over the place with his cheers.
It was interesting to see Allie stand up for Lee. Does she really think he'd make a better Apprentice, or is she just bitter and hostile. If you said bitter and hostile, you could be the next Apprentice! Being bitter and hostile is a 30 BILLION DOLLAR INDUSTRY! (With apologies to TVgasm.)

It was a good, entertaining season. There wasn't really anyone to cheer for, but that doesn't matter when there is lots of friction and resentment.
Congratulations Sean, and have fun in New York (though damn, Hawaii would have been sweet too)!


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