Saturday, June 10, 2006

Gameshow Marathon - Air Dates June 7 & 8

Big bucks, no Whammy! But more on that later.
On Wednesday we got to watch the remaining celebrities play Beat the Clock, a classic from the 1950s. It was fun, and I don't know if I would have been able to get 5 bottle tops on five dry ice filled bottles in a minute. The stunts were fun, from the two adults moving a playpen from inside to contestants attempting to move a balloon with the frame for a big net without the net.
Paige Davis ended the episode with the win.
Again, it's a gameshow. There is no plotting and scheming and few personal insights into the players. The biggest question I'm left with is that I wonder if Tim Meadows ever regrets not coming up with more recurring characters during his time on Saturday Night Live, as he seems destined to always be remembered as The Ladies Man. Not that I think it makes a difference, because despite all his recurring characters Dana Carvey will always be The Church Lady, and isn't that special?
Then came Thursday's episode, easily the best of the lot. Meadows along with Kathy Najimy and Leslie Nielsen got to compete in that loud, beeping cacophany of a gameshow, Press Your Luck. Even if the name doesn't ring a bell, "Big bucks, no Whammy" most certainly should.
At the end of the first round, Nielsen had three Whammies, Meadows and Najimy had one each. It wasn't looking good for Leslie, as once a player gets four Whammies, they're out of the game. Surely he's not going to last much longer. No, I'm not going to put the joke you expect here. I am not your movie reference monkey.
Press Your Luck started and hit its height back in the 1980s, so I don't remember too much about it, but were the questions as easy as they were on this episode, or was that just the usual "let's make it easy so the celebrities don't look bad" thing? Ahhh, it doesn't matter. Because round two came around and this was seriously one of the most exciting moments in television for a while.
As expected, Leslie Nielsen hit another Whammy and was out, leaving us with a showdown between Kathy Najimy and Tim Meadows and this was where this series earned its existence.
After the questions, each of them had six spins each that they could use or pass to the other player. Every spin risks a Whammy, and that's not something they want. Najimy took some of her spins, got some additional spins and a good amount of money and passed some on to Meadows. He then took his spins and mounted an amazing come from far behind lead. Passing his remaining spins to Najimy, she then got good hit after good hit, no Whammies... STOP! She may have passed spins on to Meadows, it doesn't matter, she ended up winning with over $44,000 in cash and prizes or somewhere around here. I was pretty drunk by this point and the next thing I remember is waking up on an Alaskan fishing boat.
Okay, this may not sound too exciting as I write this, but trust me, it was edge of your seat stuff going on. Remember that we don't do recaps here and assume that you're watching the shows too, so if you missed this it's your own damned fault.
I don't think they're going to be able to beat this episode for sheer nerve-wrackingedness. Card Sharks is coming up next with its turning of cards and contestants guessing if the value is higher or lower than what's showing, but it won't be as exciting. Then we're getting Match Game which won't be as exiting, but could be funny with its trademark raunchy double entendres. If they don't defrost Charles Nelson Reilly for this one, I'll be hugely disappointed. Then the season will end with Family Feud where the final two will play with their actual friends and family. Unless Richard Dawson makes out with someone's daughter, it just won't be the same.


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