Friday, June 09, 2006

So You Think You Can Dance - Air Date June 8

It's hard to be snarky over anything on this episode. We got to see 42 dancers cut down to the top 20 who will now be going on to the main part of the competition, and a lot of hearts were broken.
We are in for weeks of great dancing, so as an audience we are all winners. You can use that syrup for your pancakes tomorrow if you want. This should be great though. Last season saw some incredible dances and there is absolutely no reason this is going to be any different.
The judges were very compassionate towards the dancers they cut, but damn were they cruel to those going on! It was great! I'm sure there will be a few ulcers popping up in the contestants shortly due to that.
Some of those who didn't get through were very good, and it would be really nice to see them try again next year. Some need a little more training. Others could use this chance to get the training and oh, I don't know... get a green card, Hawk! It was a shocker to find out that he's in the U.S. on a student visa. Dude, you need to think of these things before auditioning!
Now I did say it was hard to get snarky over anything in this episode, but perhaps I misspoke. Heather and Ben are two old friends who tried out for the show together. Previously we had seen two friends make it through, would we see more? No. Ben made it through, Heather got cut. It's easy to see how they would both be upset but Ben had to go on camera saying it's crap, that the show is typecasting, blah blah blah. But was Ben outraged enough to withdraw from the competition? Of course not. That would be silly.
At the end of the show, the very last slot to fill, two women stood side-by-side. Malorie and Alexandra together, holding hands, wait for the news. Based on the judges comments, Malorie sounds like she's the one the judges think is the better dancer, except in her solo. Her biggest flaw? She makes everything look "too easy." Uh oh! Are the judges being cruel again and setting her up to go through? NO! It's Alexandra making it to the next round!
Malorie didn't take this well, and this time it's understandable. Making everything look "too easy" is nonsensical. Should she have made it look like she was struggling with every dance? I was left wondering if Alexandra got through based on her solos, or, and sadly enough I honestly think this is the reason, she's prettier than Malorie. It's television after all, and in casting looks are often more important to the producers than talent. Maybe I'm being cynical here and I really hope it's because of Alexandra's solos.

We've now got our top 20 dancers! Over the next few weeks it's going to be in our hands as the audience to vote for the people we want to see go. Purely on an emotional level at this point, I'm rooting for Donyelle. I've loved what I've seen of her dancing so far, and her struggles as a dancer helped put her over the edge for me.
That can all change in the weeks to come as we see complete routines from start to finish. Bring on the dancing!


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