Big Brother: All-Stars - Air Date July 20 Bonus Material
As one final penance for this messed up week, I present to you Big Brother - A Story in Pictures!

"Was that Howie's ass I saw? But first.."

I'm tempted to make another Howie joke here, but it's pretty disgusting so I'll leave it to you.

No jokes, I just really like the hair.

Behold, the Big Ass Bed! If you look under the bedding, you'll still see stains left by Charlie Sheen.

Yes, it's a hookah pipe. But after her smoking pot confession tell me you don't look at this and think "bong".


"Wuv! Twue wuv!"

Seriously, Will. Feel free to use these shots in your lawsuit.

"Hey, Jase! Is this how to wear a mandana? Is it, huh? Is it, huh? Narf!"

"No, my feeble-minded friend. That's not how you wear a mandana..."

"This is how you wear a mandana!"

He makes it so hard to stick up for him.

Nice hair. When's the Star Trek convention?

She's crying on the inside now.


There's no reason to include another picture of Julie, but she's just looking so saucy!

"Was that Howie's ass I saw? But first.."

I'm tempted to make another Howie joke here, but it's pretty disgusting so I'll leave it to you.

No jokes, I just really like the hair.

Behold, the Big Ass Bed! If you look under the bedding, you'll still see stains left by Charlie Sheen.

Yes, it's a hookah pipe. But after her smoking pot confession tell me you don't look at this and think "bong".


"Wuv! Twue wuv!"

Seriously, Will. Feel free to use these shots in your lawsuit.

"Hey, Jase! Is this how to wear a mandana? Is it, huh? Is it, huh? Narf!"

"No, my feeble-minded friend. That's not how you wear a mandana..."

"This is how you wear a mandana!"

He makes it so hard to stick up for him.

Nice hair. When's the Star Trek convention?

She's crying on the inside now.


There's no reason to include another picture of Julie, but she's just looking so saucy!
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