Saturday, July 22, 2006

Big Brother: All-Stars - Air Date July 18

After the ridiculous nominations from Sunday we finally get to see if things will be made right with the Power of Veto.
First we get a little flashback to the nomination ceremony, and then the Diary Room reactions.
Diane thinks being nominated sucks. That surprises me, as I would have thought most people would be elated.
Marcellas agrees with me, calling Kaysar's nominations "lame-ass". He doesn't understand why the man didn't go after two players who are gunning for him.
Even Janelle agrees, saying Kaysar "took the easy way out," and that he should have put up Pinky and the Brain.
Will, bucking the trend, called it a "brilliant move" by not striking first. Because, you know, striking first at people who want to see you evicted is never good.
Nakomis was nice to Kaysar, saying she knows it's not personal, but her tone in the Diary Room showed that she too thought it was a stupid nomination, putting her whole two person alliance, and if I may point out, the one that the previous week had been screwed, on the block.
Kaysar then talked about how dangerous the women can be in the house, and gave good reasons why they should be evicted... in a few weeks from now! They were not your biggest threads, dude, and they could have been reasoned with and bargains could have been made!
The Kaysar apologists have been working like crazy all over the internet to justify these nominations, but in the end it comes down to being a horrible, horrible mistake.
Diane then went and crawled into bed and started crying. Sure, she's never been nominated before, but I don't buy for one moment that there was no calculation in those tears. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying there was anything wrong with it. Good for her if it helps her stay in the house. It also had the bonus effect of loading Kaysar up with guilt. Tell you what, Kaysar. If you find yourself head-to-head with Diane in a Head of Household competition, save yourself a lot of time and hassle and just take your finger off the button.
There is some more talk, Diane's never been on the block before and she's the only person Nakomis trusts. Diane talks about how she doesn't belong in there (but not to the point where she campaigns for Nakomis), and says she's killed too many brain cells because she's smoked too much pot (in the interest of balance, because I am a Professional Entertainment Journalist now, here's another link).
Nakomis is Diane's friend, but she still sees through the tears and says that Diane has a knack for making other people feel sorry for her, and who would want to kick that poor girl out?
Boogie then comes in and lies to Diane, saying that he and his Dark Lord never made a deal with Kaysar, which of course prompts a video for us showing them making a deal. That doesn't mean she can't play him too, and in the DR he talks about she's a woman he couldn't meet in normal life (with the number of restaurants he's the co-owner of), she's wonderful, and he spends each morning writing "Mr. & Mrs. Boogie I (heart) Diane" all over his notebooks.
We then see Pinky and the Brain talking, shocked that they weren't nominated. In the DR they even do a little skit where they're talking on the phone to each other and laughing that their keys were in the nomination box.
After this we are cued by the goofy music that we are about to see something goofy happen. Yippee!
Every house has its pets, and this year they have tarantulas. There are four of them, and they decide to name them after candidates who didn't make it into the house. The little one is Cowboy (who would take baths with Tarantula Jase if there was a Tarantula Jase), the big one (and ugly too, which was an unfortunate slam from one of my favourites, Marcellas, against someone who didn't do anything to him) is Monica, the hairy one is Bunky, and the pretty one is Lisa.
Marcellas tells us from the DR that the spiders are gross, but also beautiful in a weird way. Not that he'd want to take one out and hold it.
From the silliness we go to a heartwarming conversation between Jase and James talking about getting older and changing. Awww. Nothing like a little schmaltz to make us forget about Jase's deranged clucking in Season Five.
Back to the gameplay, many of the House Guests are sitting at the hot tub talking about how Season Six are totally together. They are talking about how whoever wins the next HoH has to put two of them up on the block. This talk, of course, is being instigated by Pinky and the Brain, the two people Kaysar brilliantly made a deal with. Narf.
Erika likes SeaSick and she can see advantages to allying with them, but she also realizes that when it comes down to it, she will be the odd one out. Exactly! That's why it's a bad move for any one player to make an alliance with them! If anyone seriously thinks Howie would vote for them over Janelle or Kaysar, they're nuts.
Back from commercial there is more goofy music and Howie is trapped in the shower without a towel in easy reach with Kaysar in the HoH bed listening to music. Oh, Howie, you're such a tool! Fool! I mean fool! My goodness, I don't have any idea where that slip of the tongue came from.
Back to the nominees, Diane is having a hard time financially and might have to move back home. She sees coming back to the Big Brother house will give her an outlet to turn her life around, something that must have worked really well for her the first time around. Nakomis throws out there that she should find herself a rich boyfriend, to which Diane seriously replies that what she's hoping to do. And I threw some votes her way? Can I take them back and give them to Ivette where they should have gone in the first place? Nakomis says she was joking, so must have been surprised at the answer.
Then Nakomis decides to change her hair colour, prompting some Diary Room moments that didn't help some of my favourites in my eyes, and cemented one person as someone I want to see gone purely based on their personality.
Jase said she doesn't quite fit in, because you know, this is high school where that really matters.
Boogie was pretty decent about it, and said after being nominated she coloured her hair like fire. He suggested she should sit in the nomination chair closest to the wall where the impressionistic picture of fire is (though he didn't use those words).
Marcellas said that Nakomis looked like a hot mess. He said it's a courageous choice, but a bad one. However, most of the choices she's made concerning her exterior are bad. You know I love you, Marc, but I'm glad Nakomis is different. A world where everyone is the same would be incredibly boring.
Will said she dyed her head like a deviled egg, something he thought nobody would ever want to do.
So far it's been bad, but mostly with a touch of humour. Then there is Howie.
"Most people don't colour their hair yellow, or purple or green. It's not the colour of the hair's fault the face is ugly."
I was right the first time. Howie is a tool. There are people I want to see gone (Janelle, Kaysar, Dr. Will, Boogie) because they are threats to my favourites (Marcellas, Nakomis, even still a little Jase or Diane), but Howie is the only one I want to see walk out that door because he's an ass. I enjoyed him last season, but oh what strange turns a few months can take.
Nakomis admits that it's hard for her to get to know people being as different as she is, and sometimes she feels a little bit weird, but at the end of the day she is a really good person. Cool beans.
For the record, I really love the look. If it wasn't age-inappropriate for me, I'd be dying my hair bright pink.
After this the music gets silly again, and it's late at night with Marcellas and Janelle looking at the memory wall. It occurs to them that they look like soap opera pictures, and then they start assigning characters to the pictures. They got some help here from the show, and we see footage of each of the people complete with opening credits graphics. I'd go into each one, but I have another one of these puppies to write up today and I still need to eat and relax a little. It's hot here right now!
So how bad do Kaysar's nominations suck? So bad we see the other three SeaSickers talking about how much the nominations suck. James is surprised that Kaysar would make a real deal with the least trustworthy people in the house. He points out to the others that the deal should have been made with Nakomis and Diane who would have much more likely been good to their word. THANK YOU! Have I not been saying that? Janelle in the Diary Room even called Kaysar "a complete pansy" and said he's scared of Chill town. If she gets chosen to play for the Veto and wins, she just might use it.
After the commercial break, it's time to choose who plays for the Veto. In the DR, Diane says she hopes it lands on Chicken George because "he sucks." Two weeks in a row people have hoped for this. It's starting to get to the point where I want him to win, and even if he doesn't, I hope he at least gets an HoH. It's not like it's not the same competition almost every week with just different questions and answers. So much of it is guesswork there is no reason he couldn't win one.
Anyway, the wheel is spun and playing for the Veto along with the HoH and two nominees are Will, Erika, and James, the Veto King. Kaysar then chose Chicken George as the host, and to stick up for him again, before we even get to the competition here I thought he did a good job. There has been a lot of negativity out there towards his performance, but I strongly suspect it's because there seems to be a lot of hatred towards him and how people don't think he belongs in the house. Hey, it's not his fault Eddie or Brittany decided against participating!
In the back yard was a golf game, resulting in a lot of hyperbole from Boogie who thought he was at Pebble Beach. Narf! There were giant golf clubs, giant golf balls, and a single hole. They didn't actually have to land their ball in a hole, there wasn't one, but they did have to try to get as close to the flag as they could. They each had a tube, and the further they landed from the flag the more balls they would have to put in the tube, up to three per turn. Once they reach seven, they are out of the competition. The only exception to the balls was in the area closest to the flag, as landing there allowed the player to put one ball in someone else's tube.
First up was Nakomis who didn't do too well - 3 balls.
Next was Diane - 3 balls.
James (who wanted to throw the competition while not looking like he was) - 3 balls.
Kaysar - 3 balls.
Dr. Will - 3 balls.
Erika - 2 balls.
Let me interject something here. On the last episode we saw some flirting between Erika and Kaysar, but here Erika says she does play golf and has beaten her boyfriend in the game. Make of that what you will.
Next round...
Nakomis - 3 balls.
Diane - 3 balls.
James - 3 balls.
Kaysar, who golfs as well as he nominates - 3 balls.
Will - 2 balls.
Erika - gets to give a ball! So she puts one in Nakomis' tube, taking her out of the game.
Next round...
Diane - 3 balls, though it does look good for a moment.
James - 1 ball, but that was enough to eliminate him.
Kaysar - gets to give a ball. Okay, I take back the last crack I made. He gives it to Will.
Dr. Will - obviously overhits the ball, but it comes bouncing and rolling back almost landing on the give a ball space. It doesn't stop in time though, and the one ball he has to take knocks him out.
Erika - Gets to give another ball and has no choice but to knock out Kaysar (or "Kayzar" as George keeps calling him). You have to give a lot of credit to Erika for this as she won the game clearly on her own skill.
Diane and Nakomis aren't happy about this, but if the SeaSickers can talk Kaysar into having Erika into using the Veto to take one of them off then Pinky or the Brain could then go up on the block.
There is a lot of talk over whether Erika's going to use the Veto or not, but before we get to the ceremony there is an announcement. It's Boogie's birthday, with lots of food and Happy Birthday Boogie in whipped cream on Erika's thigh. Normally this is all fine and dandy, but half the house could still only eat Big Brother Slop, so this was a lot of delicious salt being rubbed into their flavourless wounds.
Outside, some of those who couldn't partake were complaining, Marcellas said it's mean and he wouldn't have had the party. Oh, of course you would! Even if not for the yummy food, it's great psychology against your opponents!
In the HoH room, Janelle doesn't like Boogie, said Kaysar doesn't want to deal with Chilltown, and he said they will be dealt with eventually. That's an excellent plan, expecting SeaSick to win every HoH. Marcellas was in the room with them, and said that Erika should use the Veto and either Pinky or the Brain should go up. Yeah! But the biggest problem with that would be Kaysar admitting he made a mistake with his nominations.
Outside Diane loses it again, and in the Diary Room she said she feels like she's in the house with Charles Manson and his crew. Ummmm, overdramatize much?
Pinky and the Brain then use Jase as their lapdog and send him to go get Kaysar who they will confront. Kaysar mumbled that he doesn't want to play that game, but he gets up anyway and goes down to meet them at the hot tub.
Will lies through his teeth, saying they can't decide which of the two to send home (he's lying of course because he doesn't really care who leaves). Kaysar then asks who should be sent home, because if it's not Nakomis or Diane then someone else has to go up on the block, but who? He appears to have the better of Will, but as he starts to walk away, Will shouts out that he should be put up. Kaysar tells him to stop trying to be a hero and walks away.
Back in the HoH room, Kaysar relates the story with a few embellishments, and ends it saying he put Will in his place. It seemed to me more that he got played by Will, but it's all perception. Marcellas then repeated that Erika needs to use the Veto and one of Chilltown needs to go, and that one needs to be Boogie. By sending Boogie home, it weakens will but still leaves the doctor in the house as a huge target. Yes, Marcellas, yes! This is the student of the game I've been waiting to see!
Finally we get to the Veto ceremony. James is hoping Erika uses it and Kaysar puts up one of Pinky or the Brain.
Erika does the usual speech, Nakomis and Diane give their speeches and neither really campaigns for it for themselves, but in the end, Erika chooses not to use the Veto. Shocking. We then get a little shot of Kaysar looking very pleased at being able to get rid of someone who is much less of a threat at this time than Dr. Will or Boogie.
There are the regular Diary Room things happening right now, but only one I want to touch on. Marcellas said that since the nomination Diane spent much of her time crying, but that Nakomis is strong and focused so she's the bigger threat. This saddens me because he should know better that tears have been used to dangerous effect in that house before.


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