Big Brother: All-Stars - Air Date July 20

Ah phooey. The show's just starting and already I'm in a crotchety mood. I don't want to see either nominee leave, but unfortunately it's going to happen. Darn you, Kaysar. Darn you to heck!
Long, boring recap? Give me some Chen! I want to get to the bad news as soon as possible! It'll be like pulling off a bandaid or sex with Howie. Short and painful, but at least it's over with.
Not like Julie Chen will speed things along. She taunts us with what we may see over this course of the broadcast, but first... More expositition. The infamous Veto ceremony! Darn you too, Erika!
Diane wasn't surprised Erika didn't use the veto. "A lot of people here don't have spines unfortunately." Burn!
Nakomis was pissed off that she doesn't use it, as she wants to grind everybody into the ground and win this thing.
We then get the video evidence Dr. Will needs in his sexual harassment suit against Howie who leans in and gives him a kiss on the cheek and rubs his neck with one hand. I've been known to make stuff up for the sake of humour, but this is true.
In the Big-Ass Bed bedroom, Diane and Nakomis are together, knowing they will be parting ways soon. Then Erika comes in and apologizing, saying she tried. She didn't try hard enough to actually use the Veto, but saying she tried at least will make her feel better about herself. After she leaves, Diane gets up, shuts the door, and gives her a blurred out by CBS finger.
Diane then gives Nakomis permission to campaign to stay, but she's not going to. Nakomis says she's not going to either. Now this pisses me off, especially seeing as I like both these women. It pisses me off in any of these shows when people say they aren't going to campaign against each other. GET OVER IT! You're playing a friggin' game! Shake hands, confirm that you'll still be friends after the show, then campaign like crazy! If you really insist on it, only talk about why you're the best choice to keep around instead of why the other should go, but play the damned game.
If Diane stays, Nakomis would like her to go after Kaysar. If Nakomis stays, Diane would like her to go after Janelle. Either way, whoever stays really should go after Season Six. It's in the best interest of everyone except SeaSick to have that alliance broken up.
Outside there is some talk between Erika, Jase, and Boogie over who is going to go, and they all see both of them as fairly equal choices, though Erika is leaning towards keeping Nakomis around as she is smart and would be a good ally. But she's only leaning, because as we know it will really depend on who the majority picks, not who she wants to keep in the house. I'm not particularly picking on Erika here as this goes for most people who play Big Brother. Or Survivor, for that matter.
Danielle comes over and joins in, and asks Jase what he thinks. He says what he thinks of each (Diane can make dumb moves but is explosive, Nakomis is more laid back but always thinking), then his ego takes over and he thinks if either of them were to get HoH they'd be coming after him.
Enjoying a nice bubble bath together, Marcellas and Janelle are talking about who to let go. Marcellas can see Nakomis winning the whole thing, Janelle is worried that Diane is with Pinky and the Brain. Marcellas makes the point that it doesn't matter which one goes, the other one is going to come after her anyway. True. Hmmm. I don't like this alliance of yours, Marcellas. Janelle is part of the BB6ers and as such has a HUGE target on her back, and that could well cost you too.
He then makes the point that you can worry about the floaters all you want, but if someone is a direct threat to you, then you have to take them out. I told you he's a student of the game.
Urgh. Scratch that. In the Diary Room, Marcellas says he has to think of what's best for him and what's best for Janelle because he wants to take her to the end. NOOOO! That is so wrong!
1) She has a huge target on her back.
2) If she survives to the end being such a huge target, she'll likely get the money, especially considering she almost made it to the end last time under similar circumstances.
3) This is Big Brother. You should only be thinking of what's best for yourself!
He said it would be the most glamourous final two in the history of the world. So what? That's no reason to take someone with you!
I'm being disappointed left and right here. First Nakomis won't fight for her life, and now Marcellas is being guided by what's aesthetically pleasing.
Later outside, one of the non-SeaSickers asks where Nakomis is, and Diane said she's inside as she's a little upset right now. However, we get to see Nakomis walk into the HoH room. Ah ha! She's going to fight for her life after all! She talks to the BB6ers and said she's in good place to help them out, whereas the others would throw her under the bus the first chance they get. Nakomis, they already did that the first week with the Alison vote.
Back downstairs, Diane said she's not campaigning against Nakomis, but if they want to keep her, then she's going to the _________ walls next week. What's with the blank in the subtitles, CBS? At least give us symbols. "I'm going to the #*#&@* walls next week!"
In the HoH room, Nakomis says it's important to get Pinky and the Brain out, and she will work with SeaSick but if anyone comes to them, please don't tell them she's working with them. Kaysar agrees, and says they need to work on getting her more votes. She tells him she's committed to getting rid of Chilltown, so Kaysar says she has to stay in the house and they will work their asses off to make sure it happens. He then tells her they have Erika and Marcellas on their side, yet another Kaysar blunder. Whether she stays or goes, that information is now going to get out there. Smooth.
Back to the live show, Julie starts talking to the House Guests and Chicken George is wearing an aluminum foil suit. George, I'm one of your few supports out here. Why must you make it so hard? There is some talking about his Jedi training with Howie. Meh.
However, George does get in a good line. When asked what it's like being the oldest person in the house, the man in the foil suit replies, "I'm really having a hard time adapting, Julie." This causes the others to start laughing, then he says, "As you can see, I'm the most mature person here." See? It was funny, people! Don't be so hard on George!
Julie then talks to Marcellas about the food challenge, and says he has been on Big Brother Slop all week. His reply of "No I haven't" catches her by surprise, and he said he hasn't eaten anything since the competition. Damn, Marcellas. I don't care how disgusting it is, your health must come first.
She then talked to Diane who admitted part of it being such a hard week was that she had never been nominated before.
Then the subject of Howie's crush on Will comes up, and the doctor looked very perturbed about this, almost like he'd wish the whole subject would go away. Heh heh heh. However, it's about the conversation on Howie getting Botox, and since Howie's comment about Nakomis didn't go down too well around here, we're going to skip past this.
Coming up, Kaysar and how his Muslim beliefs are affecting his game. I really hope they don't try to blame the poor nominations on his religion. But first, some votes!
Danielle knows that despite the tears, Diane is a strong player and people are underestimating her. She says you never know what Nakomis is going to do, but when she says she's goign to do it, she will.
Howie, still wearing his hat sideways like an ass, says that whether she admits it or not, Diane is coming after SeaSick.
Boogie in a poorly styled mandana would like to keep Diane because he's attracted to her, whereas Nakomis is a chameleon and cunning. He votes to evict Nakomis.
Interestingly we didn't get to hear what Howie had to say about Nakomis, so I can only assume it was pretty vile.
Back from commercial we get a little backstory on Kaysar and what his family thinks about him putting his faith to the test. It's nice and all, but these backstories aren't fun to recap so let's move on. Though I should say there was something particularly interesting that was brought up. Muslim men don't date or have girlfriends. Shhh! Listen! Hear that sound? That's a million hearts breaking!
In the HoH room, Julie talks privately with Kaysar, talking about his nominees and if he's worried that going after the two he did instead of Pinky and the Brain might make people think he's a wimp. He says no, that he's worked on his strategy since last season (Pfffft!), and that you can't always go after the "head honchos", that he wants to create a big target and take some of the pressure off of SeaSick. Yeah, get rid of those you could have forged a relationship with and keep those who will get rid of you the first chance they get. It was still a dumb nomination, Kaysar. And, ummmm... Not to get personal, but what's up with your hair? He has some serious bedhead or something going on.
Time for more Diary Room votes...
Will doesn't really care which of them goes home.
George says that Diane came to him and said she wants to stay in the game, whereas Nakomis has been rather quiet. It doesn't matter George, you owe the dyed-hair girl your vote after what happened to Brittany in Season One!
Erika sees a lot in Diane that reminds her of Alison.
Will votes to evict Diane.
After the commercials, there is a whole bit on a "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" alliance, are Jase and Diane secretly playing the game together? There is footage that would seem to confirm this. I don't care. It's 34 degrees C in the house, that's 93.2F for you Yanks. I'm sweating here, so frankly I just want to skip past the filler.
Janelle wants to keep Nakomis in the house because everyone sees her as a dominant player so they're a little scared of her. Diane was going around the house crying that she needs the money, and Janelle thinks that's pathetic as everyone in the house deserves it just as much.
Jase thinks Nakomis is overrated, saying she "allegedly" came up with the plan that got him out last time. Bitter! He wants to keep Diane in the house because she's explosive and dynamic. And oh yeah, that alliance I glossed over.
James is voting what's best for him and Howie, and he thinks it should be what's best for Kaysar and Janelle as well. Hmmm. Is SeaSick going to fracture?
Marcellas has to choose between two people he thinks shouldn't be up and don't deserve to be out of the game yet.
Janelle votes to evict Diane.
James votes to evict Nakomis.
Oooooh! Dissent!
By a vote of 8 to 2, Nakomis is evicted. Damn.
Look up to where I say Jase is bitter. Guess who the only person who didn't get off the house to say goodbye to Nakomis was? Even Howie was able to hold himself together enough to give her a hug, the trooper that he is.
In the interview with Julie, Nakomis said that she wasn't trying to play under the radar but with so many huge personalities in the house it was the only place for her to be. She also called Kaysar wishy-washy, saying he made a horribly mistake in strategy in leaving Will and Boogie in the house. Then Julie Chen awkwardly ended the interview, sticking her hand out for a shake almost like she was surprised to be doing it. What? No goodbye videos? That sucks! That's the second time Nakomis has been robbed in one night!
It may have been kept short for a reason though, because going back to the livingroom, Julie told the remaining House Guests that they should memorize clips from previous competitions that they would be asked about. This made for riveting television, watching all this faces stare intently at the monitor.
Back from commercial, they were back in the same cubicles as last week. Speaking for myself, I'm tired of quizzes for the HoH and would like to see them mix it up a little more.
I'm not going to go through the whole competition question by question, but at the end it was down to Danielle vs. James. Go Danielle! This was tense, and I really wanted a non-BB6er to win, but it was not to be and James is the new Head of Household.
Each win by SeaSick makes that target just bigger and bigger, and this third HoH in a row makes it the size of Saskatchewan.
Last week I thought it would be a good idea for Kaysar to put up Will and Howie, even though there was no chance he would put up the broken Jedi. That doesn't matter anymore. There is no way to make the rest of the house doubt there is Season Six alliance, so forget about it. No, the best choices this time are straight forward, not convulted in any way. James needs to put up Pinky and the Brain. He could always put one of them up with someone else, but to do so would be wrong. The best thing for SeaSick right now is to break up Chilltown, and if either one of them isn't on the block and ends up playing for and winning the Veto, then they live as a pair to fight another day.
Seriously, SeaSick, you have to put Will and Boogie on the block. Anything else right now is just so very stupid.
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