Monday, August 07, 2006

Big Brother: All-Stars - Air Date August 3

Juuuuuuuuulie! Juuuuuuuulie Chen! What have you got for us tonight? Live eviction voting, you say? Yes, this episode marks the first live eviction votes of the season. If only there was some way to mix your DNA in with the laboratory offspring of Jeff Propst and Phil Keoghan, the ultimate host would be made even better! Phelff would be Phelfflie!
Okay, enough flashing back to earlier recaps, let's get this baby going. Live evictions. I don't see the need for these. It always sucks what little suspense we get from the game right out of it. But what do I know? I'm just a viewer.
But first we must look back to the events following the recent Veto ceremony when Boogie took himself off the block and Janelle put Diane up in his spot.
Diane had one of the most interesting reactions I've ever seen to being nominated like that. She went to do some laundry. If I remember correctly, at one time on the show they had to do their laundry by hand. Maybe I don't remember correctly. Either way, the producers should bring that back.
Will called Janelle a "sucker" for not putting him on the block. He plans on driving a wedge right though that alliance. Would Season Six be splintering as soon as they are without the good doctor in the house? Probably not. Who have I said SeaSick should put on the block every single time they've won HoH? You betcha. But no, instead of taking out Pinky and the Brain, they had this stupid "floater" fetish that's only going to cost them the game.
The Howie/Will romance makes a reappearance this episode and I was going to skip it if it weren't for a great line from Dr. Will. He was talking about how Howie was basically one step away from doing that one thing that will land him in prison, when he said, "You would love jail! You could work out, wear ugly clothes, kiss boys..."
Outside Danielle and James were talking about the battle that was now on.
"Dani from BB3 is back!"
"James from BB6 has... never left but he has... he doesn't have Sarah to keep him nice this year either!"
"It's not supposed to be a nice game."
"It's not a nice game."
"It's on! Let's seek our glory through wonderous battle and from the flames emerge victorious and the pages of history will forever sing out our names!" They then slaughtered a goat, smeared its blood on their faces, and with the lustful battle cries of true warriors, they waged a mighty war, cutting down all their enemies in the house with their wrathful vengeance.
And with that we come to the end of this season of Big Brother. See you next year!

I'm kidding. After the cheesy tough talk James said they unite Chill Town and the "floaters" and take out the rest of Season Six.
This pleased Danielle who told us she was waiting for dissention in SeaSick, particularly from James who she wanted to see playing solo.
In the Diary Room, Diane said Janelle has been been after her since day one. Since day one she had been walking around that fat bi... Oh no you didn't! You didn't just call Janelle that name!
In the backyard with Marcellas and Danielle, she told them that if she stays next week she they're going to see (blank) jump off. Marcellas sees BB6 as just handing Chill Town the game week after week, and he doesn't seem pleased.
Marcellas told us in the DR that he was very pissed with Janelle for nominating Diane. He said it was stupid, petty, and ill-conceived. What she did, he continued, told him something about her that he really didn't want to see. Glimpses of something mean and ugly behind the facades of sweetness and it colours how he feels about Janelle.
Later in the Big Ass Bed Room with Danielle and Erika, he told them they are under attack and that Janelle wants to be sitting there with every guy in the house and let them fight each other. It's good advice to them, and honestly I think it's a good strategy for Janelle. Marcellas finds it disgusting that she's playing like that, and if Janelle's doing in from an emotional hating other women standpoint, yes it is. But if it's pure, thought out strategy then it's not so bad. It's all about the context, people. Context rocks.
MY EYES! Yeah, the HoH room is still harmfully pink. Janelle said she feels awful about how the Veto ceremony went, and Kaysar said they have to make sure the team is together because they don't know what's going to happen next week.
Janelle thought that taking out Diane was a good a move, and Kaysar told her he agrees, but his issue is with the timing and the way it was done. His concern, again, is keeping the team together and James is up in arms (though why he'd be upset over Janelle lying to him I don't know). He then asked the question is the target still on Chill Town, or is it on them now?
"Now?" Dude, the target has been on you guys ever since the four of you walked into the house.
Back downstairs, Danelle was talking with Pinky and the Brain and how they needed dissention in SeaSick, and she let them know the BB6 James is back so the four now are them three and James. Will asked if James is cool with that, and Danielle said he is.
This meant it was phone sex... er, phone sketch time in the Diary Room again for Chill Town. "Hey, Brain, we got James on our side! Narf!" "Excellent Pinky, now we can take over the house!"
The most important thing this week, Diane said, is for someone from their side to get the HoH this week.
With these live shows after a lot of the tape I forget it is a live show, so the reappearance of Julie Chen tends to catch me off guard. It's time for her to talk to the House Guests, so it's time for me to stop the tape and watch Treasure Hunters. The very next sentence will be written at least an hour after this one, if you want to know that sort of trivia.
That was good. I miss Team Miss USA but I'm very happy the Southie Boys are doing so well.
I'm finding myself not caring about the conversations with Julie, but watching them watch their wakeup calls is fun. Marcellas had a few choice words for it, but my favourite is "sadistic".
Coming back from commercial, we get to see Diane fighting for her life. One of the problems she's coming up against is that a lot of people promised their votes to Erika when she was still up against Boogie.
There are two issues at work here. One, all these people made promises before the Veto? Why? And the bigger issue is why are they all so worried about breaking their promises to Erika? If they need a moral loophole, those promises were made when she was up against Boogie and if he got off it was supposed to be Will going up. But this is the game of Big Brother where breaking promises isn't necessarily a moral issue. They need to do what's right for them and for the game, and right now that's keeping Diane who has a lot more game in her than Erika, and saving her sends a huge message to Janelle. It's not like Erika would be making the jury, so why worry about those promises?
It didn't help Diane that everytime she tried to talk to someone, Erika would just appear there. That was annoying to her, how could it not have annoyed everyone else enough to want to vote her emaciated ass out?
Danielle is trying to save Diane as well, but for cryin' out loud, even Boogie wants to keep his friggin' word this week! James is also trying to work on Diane's behalf and he is talking to Will about making a statement to Janelle.
MY EYES! Julie's talking to Janelle in the HoH room, and they're talking about Will whom is just a good friend, according to blondie. There's some other stuff, including questions about where Marcellas fits into her alliances.
After the conversation, Julie is telling us that one moment Marcellas is Janelle's best friend and the next he's bashing her behind her back. How quickly can Marcellas turn on someone? We're going to find out after the break with Amy from Big Brother 3.
But first some thoughts on the nominees from their fellow House Guests. However, we already have such a good idea where the eviction votes are going I'm not going to bother with them. I need to get to this Amy stuff.
Basically what we got was a very negative portrayal of Marcellas and some bashing on Janelle. However, a lot of it was heavily edited crap. But don't take my word on it, read what Amy has to say.
Click here for Amy's blog.
There are people who have talked to her and the editing was worse that she said in the blog. Of course she's getting a lot of negative reaction because of this editing and that's just wrong.
This hatchet job pisses me off, so let's skip who votes for whom and get to the final tally - by a vote of 7-1, Diane has been evicted from the Big Brother house, and yes, Will was that one vote.
We did find out in her interview with Julie that one of the issues between Diane and Janelle is that Janelle was saying nasty things about her while she was in the house last year.
The best part of the Head of Household competition is that the House Guests walked out and there were no podiums or cubicles. Instead there was one giant net in the shape of a spider's web. It's an endurance competition! The first five people out get to break open a giant egg each. Two were rotten, one gave the person the chance to nullify one vote in the next week, another gave a week's pass from slop (George!), and the third was worth $10,000.
Unfortunately it also means we have to wait to see who the next Head of Household is. All that really matters right now is that the pink will be gone.


Blogger Tabby said...

That's awesome! Thanks for sharing it!
I guess this means I'd better get cracking on getting caught up on the show. :)

8/17/2006 11:52 a.m.  

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