Friday, August 04, 2006

Last Comic Standing - Air Date August 1

I'm going to do this as I watch the show. After the elimination it's going to be the final three, with filler thrown in anywhere the producers see fit. It's really not going to be a lot to write about but we're going to see this through to the end, moppits.
A standing ovation for Anthony Clark? Is it just me or do standing ovations mean very little these days? They seem to be handed out for everything. "Who let the dogs out? I'm thinking Mel Gibson." Way to be timely on the jokes, Anthony. The joke doesn't make sense, but Mel is in the headlines lately so it's funny, I guess.
He introduces the comics then sends them back as a guest comic walks out, and it's Jay London from seasons 2 and 3! Let's hope he has a better set than Gary Gulman from last week who is a funny, funny man but for some reason didn't do too well.
Jay's doing pretty well, does some good new stuff but a lot of the act hasn't changed since we last saw him.
Back from commercial there's another guest performer, this one being Caroline Rhea. Cool, I haven't seen her stand-up in a while.
She's being very entertaining and funny, and sticks a Mel Gibson joke in that's funny and makes sense. Anthony!
Damn, she was very funny! Can we stick her in the competition and give her the prize now?
After Anthony plugged the next season of The Biggest Loser, Jay came sneaking back out, took the microphone and said "Thank you", then took it off stage with him. It sounds strange, but it was funny.
The comics are brought back out on stage, it's time for elimination.
Josh Blue... will be performing tonight.
Chris Porter... will be staying right there and they'll be getting back to him in just a minute. The audience appears to have misunderstood because they are cheering.
Ty Barnett... will not be going home tonight.
This isn't looking good for Michele Balan, as it's down to her and Chris Porter.
"Michele, you will... find out right after the break." Oh, Anthony Clark, you are a cruel bastard! You really shouldn't do that to a woman of Michele's advanced years!
Not that there was any real suspense. After the commercial we find out that Michele Balan has been eliminated.
Her goodbye video is very nice, and yes, I'd pay to see her at a comedy club. She may not have been the funniest, but she is funny and would be worth seeing.
Anthony Clark informs us that this is the last elimination show before the finals, and each performer has five minutes.
Josh Blue finds this whole experience overwhelming, and he says he put a lot of work into getting to this point.
Damn, this was his best performance yet! He had me laughing the whole way through, and the fact that he keeps putting references to the show and past performers in shows that he's always willing to put new material in and risk it. We still have to see the other two go up, but based on this alone I can see Josh making the final two.
After the break, Anthony talks about the online competition that has been running and they are down to the two top comics there, Josh Wolf and Theo Von. Next week they will be performing on stage to try and win that competition. Cool.
I'm noticing my keyboard keys are getting a little squeaky. That's neither here nor there, but I just thought I'd mention it.
Chris Porter feels the Last Comic Standing experience has been intense. He talked about how people were on the message board blasting his last set, but perhaps they didn't see the standing ovation? Oh, this is embarrassing. I honestly am writing this as I'm seeing it for the very first time, and I talked about how little standing ovations mean these days. Not that I don't think Chris is funny. I just think all you need to get people on their feet is to be on television.
His set this week seemed to not be getting off to a good start. There were some chuckles, but he soon got on track and delivered the laughs. He defended gay rights, alluded to masturbation and did a lot of drug humour, so I don't know how well it'll go in the red states, but it was funny and that's a good thing.
Ty Barnett is happy to be in the final three, but is nervous because he has to do it all over again. He does love performing though.
His set was good. I'd definitely go see him at a club. However, he didn't get quite the level of laughs that the other two did so may not go on the to the final two, but that's really up to the audience and how they decide to vote.
And that's it. The problem with this show is near the end there's almost nothing to write about, and I'm not going to be a transcript service for their sets.
Maybe if we get more of the hilarious Anthony Clark that'll be something different.
"Who let the dogs out? I'm thinking Mel Gibson."


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