Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Realivision News - 2 tickets for a glass of champagne, tickets $1.50 each

After opening the doors on May 24, it finally happened today - Realivision has passed the 5000 unique visitors mark. That's nothing compared to the bigger websites out there, but when I started this blog I had no idea that within just around six weeks that many people would have stopped by to read any of my ramblings or to steal all the free doughnuts.
First I'd like to thank all of you who enjoy yourselves enough to come back again and again. There are my good friends Southern-Canuck and Icarus, the cantankerous Firecat who has thankfully left many a comment, Woguy33 who waded in and helped out during some early controversy, and too many others to mention - you know who you are. I'd also like to give a special thank you to Marysafan who is out there spreading the Realivision word and who knows I'm much funnier than this post would indicate.
I also have to give a huge thank you to all the reality gameshow alumni who have given of their time to do interviews for the blog - Big Brother's James and Nakomis and Treasure Hunters' John and Melissa (who has been particularly supportive), you guys are responsible from a large chunk of that traffic. And most especially a really great thank you and hugs for Marcellas who gave me an interview for my second post ever before any coverage even started, and whose explanation of how is he eligible for Big Brother: All-Stars is responsible for well over a fifth of those visitors, possibly even close to a quarter. Thank you, Marcellas, for a huge boost to get things started beyond my wildest dreams.
So my gratitude goes out to all of you. With Big Brother: All-Stars premiering tomorrow, stick around as it's only going to get better from here.


Speaking of Marcellas, he is also largely responsible for my next announcement.

Shortly before he left for the house, Marc sent me a message asking me a question. It seems that his friends at, an entertainment website for gay and bisexual men, were looking for someone to recap Big Brother: All-Stars for them. He sent them my blog and contact information, and it turns out that they like my work so I will now be recapping the show for countless gay men. I'm used to writing for guys who don't find me sexually alluring, but at least now it'll be for a reason that isn't soul-crushing.
There will be differences in what I write for AfterElton and what goes up on Realivision as the latter won't be for a target audience and more strategy-based, but the better jokes will be recycled as I don't believe in waste. None of this will take time away from this blog as I will continue to bring my usual excellent coverage to all our favourite shows. It's my duty as a Professional Entertainment Journalist.
The first article has been sent in which is a basic rundown of who the twenty contestants are, based loosely on my arguments here on why we should vote for each House Guest, but due to a tech being away it hasn't been posted yet but as soon as it or the first recap is up, I'll link it here. The only thing that could go wrong now are those darned Fogals, who had better not get in my way!


I've added a new category over to your right - OTHER REALIBLOGS. If you have a reality television blog and link to me, let me know and you just might find yourself linked right back. I will try to add everyone, but if I don't I will do my best to let you know why. If you scroll down to the bottom of this page you'll find my e-mail address as a nice spambot-resistant graphic.
Even if you don't want to exchange links, feel free to drop me a line just to say hi. Unless it's hate mail. That's not cool, man.


Finally, it's going to be a hectic couple of days. Thanks to yesterday's holiday in the United States, Last Comic Standing is airing tonight opposite of So You Think You Can Dance, then tomorrow we have the Big Brother premiere as well as the Dance results show. I'll do my best to the Comic coverage up tomorrow, the Big Brother the next night. Both episodes of Dance should then be up by Friday or Saturday.
All this with my day job and the stifling heat we've been getting around here. Stay tuned as I slowly go insane.


Blogger Tabby said...

Thank you all. Now after this and the update hopefully I'll get it back to being less about me and more about the shows.

Though everything should be all about me anyway. :)

7/06/2006 9:25 a.m.  
Blogger Marysafan said...

Tabby, you knock me out! Keep the's not only too cool, It's memorable! (Also, it has a good a beat and is easy to dance to. <--- Old American Bandstand reference.)

I will be reading everything you write this summer...and continuing to pass the word. I'm cheerig you on every step of the way! Enjoy the ride!

7/06/2006 1:56 p.m.  
Blogger Tabby said...

Thank you, Marysafan (just Mary?).
Just as I know how many visitors I've had, I also know how many of them have found me and how many have come from links you have posted. I really do appreciate the enthusiasm, and I'm glad I've been able to entertain you so well. :)

7/06/2006 4:29 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

tabby ur blog is great. Im a normal reader but u prob know im lurking around lol. Well gotta go catch up on some other post. :)



7/07/2006 8:52 p.m.  
Blogger Jewels said...

Hey girl!

I just saw this post. man, being out of town puts you behind. ;) anyway, I'm really proud for you. its cool to be friends with someone so famous. ;) now I'm like the thrid wheel. icarus getting nods from Marc on live feeds and you the writing wizard!



7/24/2006 10:27 a.m.  

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