Sunday, March 04, 2007

Realivision News - Unfinished and partial seasons?

I've started updating old posts to have labels like those seen on all current commentary and recaps at the end of the posts. Two of those labels I will be using will be "unfinished season" and "partial season". For that to work, I really should explain the difference between the two.

Unfinished season - This would be a show I started covering, but dropped before the season finale. The reasons for this happen are plentiful, from losing interest (Big Brother: All-Stars) to burning out or being so far behind there's no point in catching up (Dancing With The Stars 3, Celebrity Duets) to the show being cancelled (this hasn't happened yet, thankfully). Okay, maybe the reasons aren't that plentiful, because that's about it.

Partial season - This is a show where it was likely covered up to the finale, but for whatever reason, either I joined it late or there are episodes missing in the middle. I didn't cover it, but Rockstar: Supernova was a show that I didn't start watching until several episodes in. Heck, that happened with the first two seasons of Survivor. If I get sucked in and am not overloaded with other shows, I might start writing about it.
This will also cover shows where midseason episodes are missing. This could be because of computer issues (Oh! This also applies to unfinished seasons!), recording issues, vacation issues, and becoming burned out but getting the fire back again issues.

At some point soon, there will be some minor changes made to the blog that shouldn't affect the overall look of it, but the sidebar will contain all the labels used to help you find your favourite shows.

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